Tuesday, July 21, 2015

#lovesummerart video 3- Ann's Journal

The event over at Youtube for #lovesummerart may be over, but the videos we all made are available still and forever!  You just have to search for #lovesummerart and you will find hundreds of videos made by very creative people.  I worked very hard to make my three videos and I enjoyed meeting a whole group of creative individuals.  I hope to participate again in another collaboration in the future.

Please enjoy this video which is about how I made this art journal page during a wicked summer storm and I had to complete it in the dark because we lost electricity.  I am one dedicated and crazy crafter!

Thanks for stopping by.  I love your comments.  Don't forget to check out my other YouTube videos, subscribe so you are informed each time I post something new.

Keep on Crafting! :)

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